Saturday, November 21, 2020

I love nature!

I’m grateful for nature!  I love being outdoors. I’ve recently discovered that I love hiking!  The challenge of climbing up a steep hill or cliff is exhilarating and the view is always amazing. 

I love the fresh air and sunshine on my face. I love to feel my skin drinking in the sun’s rays and absorbing it’s energy. 

I’m grateful for the beauty and variety of landscapes on our earth. 

Being in nature refreshes my soul and reduces my stress. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Are you taking care of YOU?

 Self Care

(I recently found an app called the Gratitude App.  It’s a little journaling app that has challenges for writing about different things you’re grateful for.  I felt promoted to share my entry for today.)

It’s funny that this is today’s topic of gratitude because I was just sitting here thinking how if I could share one piece of advice with everyone who is struggling, especially all the mamas, it would be to MAKE time for yourself. I know it’s not easy. I remember those crazy days of no sleep and chasing littles all day. I know the long nights of worry over your teenagers. I even understand the navigating of relationships with your grownup children and trying to figure out when to step in and help, when to let them struggle and grow from the experience, when to speak up and when to keep your mouth shut. It’s all so beautiful, but in order to be able to GIVE so much to all those you love, you have to give to YOU first. It’s not selfish. It’s essential!

So, I’ve carved out this sacred time for myself in the mornings. Now, I work from home teaching English online to children in China. I’m up stuuuuupid early!  I’d love to take my ME time before my day starts, but I just can’t make myself get up any earlier than I already do. So, I wake up, put on the required blue shirt, spritz water on my crazy hair, throw on a bit of foundation, mascara (hello, invisible eye lashes!) and lip stick because the camera filter can only do so much. I run through my mini morning routine if I have time (make a warm drink, unload the dishwasher, fill the essential oil diffuser, and start a load of laundry). Then make my way to my work room, which I have renamed the Shanti room because shanti means PEACE. 

After a couple of hours of teaching, my time is mine. 

I make a cup of herbal teal or (my current favorite) Mudwtr (Mud Water, made with cacao, mushrooms and chai), spend some time in prayer and open my Bible.  Then I spend some time meditating.  Next is my routine on the Daily Shifts app, and the Gratitude app. After all the sitting, my body needs MOVEMENT!  So, depending on the day I either practice yoga alone, with a video (like Simply Sadie Jane), or I go to the studio to either practice or teach. 

I love to have some soothing or inspiring music playing while all of this is happening too. Today was the Piano Guy’s new album.  ❤️

If I’m home, I then spend some time learning to play the harmonium. 

All of this can take a few minutes or a couple of hours, depending on how I’m feeling and what I need that day. But, the point is, it FEEDS me. So, then I have something to offer the people I love. 

I’m very grateful to be at a point in my life where I understand that my needs are important, that I don’t come last. It’s taken a long time to love myself and treat myself well. 

I’m grateful to have a beautiful space where I can learn, teach and create. A place where my heart heals and my spirit is fed. 

So, please, know that you are important. You deserve some time to care for yourself. Find a few minutes and COMMIT that time to yourself. Get help. Find a quiet place and make it your own!  It doesn’t have to be big or fancy, my space used to be a corner in my closet!

And most of all, find something to be grateful for everyday!

Welcome Back

 Well, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve spent any time here! I started a post about a year ago, but never finished it. It would take too long to catch up with where I’ve been and what has happened the past few years, so I’m just going to jump in!  I’ll fill in the blanks as we go.   

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Have you ever wondered what you're supposed to be doing?  I mean REALLY doing. Not just day-to-day life things, responsibilities, or whatever.  But what is your purpose?  Maybe it's because I'm approaching my 50th (FIFTIETH??!!! how the heck did that happen??!!) birthday.  Maybe it's because I've been through a lot and I'm trying to heal and recover.  Maybe it's because I've been married my entire adult life (and then some, ;0) ) and I'm trying to figure out who I am.  And who I want to be.  But, yes, I am actively working to find out who I am and what I am supposed to be doing.  

I briefly saw a counselor earlier this year.  While he gave me points to ponder, I'm not one to report week after week so I'm done.  But, he did tell me that he "not only gives me permission to do some self care, but he gives me a prescription to do so."  

Self.  Care.  

What does that even mean?  I take a shower everyday.  Ok, almost everyday.  😏  I eat.  I sleep.  Not well usually, but still.  

"What do you like to do?" the counselor asked.  "I have no idea." was my honest reply.  He recommended that I spend some time and figure it out.  

That made me really think about what I like to do, might enjoy or want to try.  I signed up for a yoga class, and everything changed. 

<<<this is the post I didn’t finish. Stick around, I’ll tell you what happened. 😊>>>